We then made our way to Schloss Nymphenburg which is an enormous palace built by the somewhat crazy, somewhat eclectic King Ludwig II located right in a central location of Munich. Aside from my own dyslexia which took us on a bus the wrong direction for a few stops we made it with little effort. Again, a testament to the amazing Munich public transportation system.
There were lots of ducks and geese, and I now know to never get Hannah one for her birthday.
We took our time roaming around the beautiful gardens which stretch for what seem like miles in every direction. The statues were made to resemble the way in which people are meant to carry themselves, which demonstrated here by Hannah.
After exploring the castle grounds it was time to move on. One can only take so much beauty without drinking and clearly we were overdue for a beer. With that in mind we headed directly for a beer garden, aka bier garten. Not just any biergarten, but my favorite biergarten, serving not just any beer, but my favorite, Augustiner. The subway stop was Hackerbrucke, and the beer garden was the Augustiner Keller. Here we sat and eased our sorrows with a liter and a half of Augustiner's finest, split unevenly between Hannah and I.
After quenching our thirsts we found ourselves strolling near the Isar River in one of the most scenic parts of Munich's center, Rosenheimer Platz. We found a nice little playground where I tried to harass a child, but she had been taught quite well to scream "NEIN!!" when I walked by her. At that point we decided it best to leave the playground and take our beers to the river for a sunset picture.
After all of the sightseeing and drinking the pretzels weren't enough to satiate our appetites so we headed to an old Italian eatery that I remember fondly from my days in Munich. Unfortunately, either my palate had changed, or it always was terrible and oversalted. We should have known this by the amount of English we heard spoken when we walked in. I guess you live and learn.
The best part of the evening's dinner was the gelato that followed.
That was enough excitement for Day 3...lots more days to go.